The colorful interior designs from the golden era of the 40s have resurfaced and are trending once again. Floral wall designs provide an ideal fashion statement for both residential and commercial locations, ranging from large and bold configurations to a more simplistic look. No matter how far back in time an interior look may stretch, our team at Walker Zanger takes pride on enhancing the banal to craft ageless settings.

A New Collection for the Modern Era
Today, bold designs have circled back around to become the norm, as the use of vivid, multilayered styles in residential, commercial and exterior design has taken hold.
Seeking to resurrect the floral trends of the 1940s, the Botanicals collection transcends artistic style perfect for standout centerpieces, quickly transforming a design from “something’s missing” to engaging and unique. Mixing tropical leaves with floral designs and field tiles in green, pink, white, and black, these large format porcelain tiles come together forming sizable botanical designs; looks that are reminiscent of designer Dorothy Draper’s retro interior style and the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel’s vintage appearance.
Botanicals hits all the right notes of dynamic and playful while holding on to a sense of elegence. With encouragement to fill your space with what you love, experience the lively energy this collection can bring to your space. Explore the Botanicals collection today, and leverage your creativity in ways previously unexplored.